7-1 pulli kolam with outer design and finished with little yellow, red & green coloured
Inspired by the sunflower, The scorching sun and heat, The imperfections of nature Yet all together a beauty… A Kolam left to you to enjoy…
Free hand designkolam done by Santhi jagadesan*Today thoughts of kolam* One’s life has value so long as one attributes value to the life of others…
If someone had come up with a new idea or new design, we all would immediately use it in our kolam the very next morning…..…
*TODAY THOUGHTS OF KOLAM* Live like there is no tomorrow! Constantly move forward and appreciate the motivation for your existence! It has cause! It has…
Today thoughts of kolam………… It is better to cry alone than to be angry, Because anger hurts others, while tears flow silently through the soul…
Today thoughts of kolam Reality of life….. “When you give importance to people they think that you are always free But…… They don’t understand that…
Today Thoughts Of Kolam …..About Love****** When someone really likes you, they will never hurt you..and if they do, you can see it in their…