7-4 In between doted kolam on friday evening with red,pink,green and purple colour & the outer designed with my own style like star shape……..
Pulli kolam with colour Indians love colours and its natural to show the love for colors in many ways. Indian rangoli is an unique art work…
Free hand designkolam done by Santhi jagadesan*Today thoughts of kolam* One’s life has value so long as one attributes value to the life of others…
*Today thoughts of kolam* You become whatever you think about deeply. Think only about peace, love and happiness. Feel these values as part of your…
Today thoughts of kolam “Knowingly we don’t have time 2 help people, Unknowingly we allways manage time to hurt people” Think Again… its true…… Freehand…
Today thoughts of kolam….. Many people will walk in and out of your life, but only true friends will leave footprints in your heart………<3<3<3 Freehand…